National Toss Away the Could Haves Should Haves Day

by | Jul 8, 2011 | General

Next Saturday, July 16th (the third Saturday in July) is

National Toss Away the Could Haves/ Should Haves Day!

 Alternative HR is supporting those who celebrate this day with a special promotion. How long have you been telling yourself you are going to write or update your company handbook? For many of you, statistics show it has been too long.

  • Do you have a Social Media Policy? If you answered no, you need to take advantage of this promotion!
  • Are your compensation practices FLSA compliant? If you answered I do not know, you need to take advantage of this promotion!

Don’t wait until your outdated or non-existent policies cost you thousands of dollars. Eliminate the “I could have/ should have updated our policies” conversation.

Call Alternative HR between July 16th and July 20th to schedule an assessment of your company handbook  and you will save 20% off of the price of your handbook creation or update!
