Online HR Training Programs

Online HR Training Webinars
Alternative HR has developed online training tools with an eye on convenience and accessibility for our clients. These online training webinars cover a wide ranging amount of topics with a goal of providing a good overview in a variety of topics. Clients are able to purchase the training for use within their organizations or simply seek out the ability to register for trainings that can be set up by Alternative HR and run at their convenience. In this fast paced world, now training can be at your finger tips with the trust and confidence instilled through your partnership with Alternative HR.

HR 101
This training provides an overview of HR competencies that will provide much needed information related to employment laws that every business owner and supervisor should be aware of. Topics include: Fair Labor Standards Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Equal Employment Opportunity, Immigration Compliance, OSHA/Workers Comp and Family Medical Leave Act.
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
What is FMLA? Who is eligible? What are my rights as an employee and responsibilities as an employer? This training is a deeper dive into FMLA and discusses qualifying reasons for leave, eligible amount and types of leave, employer responsibilities and prohibited actions.
Fair Labor Standards Act Updates
This training provides an update to the ever changing landscape around the Fair Labor Standards Act including the most recent changes that went into effect in January of 2020. The training will provide more insight into understanding the standards used to determine whether or not someone is exempt from overtime or not as well as some explanation on what may make an independent contractor.
Recruiting & Selection
In an ever changing economy, recruiting and selection remains a challenge. This training will provide an overview to what steps to take to prepare for a recruitment, how to identify talent, and the steps to ensure you are conducting a recruitment and interview process in a fair and compliant fashion.
Diversity Training
This is a comprehensive look at the federal laws governing employment practices that offer protections to selected employees. It also provides a glimpse into the dimensions of diversity and will help provide insight to employees on what their company policies say about diversity, harassment, bullying and workplace discrimination.
Supervisor Training
Do your supervisors know how to handle employee discipline? Do they have a sense of how to coach and manage their teams? This training provides supervisors with tools on how to manage employees, how to provide proper documentation, and understanding of the law and what to be aware of in the workplace as well as some information to ensure they have the right tools in place.
Customer Service Training
This is a training aimed at ensuring teams understand what customer service is, how to gain a sense of increasing their overall ability in delivering effective customer service both within their teams and with external entities.
Communication/Conflict Management
This training breaks down barriers to communication, while covering effective communication skills and tackling how to diffuse and handle conflict in the workplace.